S03E31 – Tim vs. Corporate Bullshit – SEASON 3 FINALE!

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I have a serious allergy.  I'm allergic to bullshit.  BS is everywhere in business.  Most sales people talk like they have a PhD in bullshit.  Which brings me to today's episode.  I saved the worst for last.  My guests this week work for some company that sells toilet paper.  Seriously.  But to hear them talk  you'd think they work for NASA.  I couldn't just release this episode without some kind of commentary.  I've peppered the interview with some reactions recorded after the fact.  These reactions basically boil down to one diagnosis.  These people have a fatal case of verbal diarrhea! INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/timbyrnealmostlive TWITTER: https://twitter.com/timbyrnealmost  FACEBOOK: http://www.Facebook.com/TimByrneAlmostLive

I have a serious allergy.  I’m allergic to bullshit.  BS is everywhere in business.  Most sales people talk like they have a PhD in bullshit. I couldn’t just release this episode without some kind of commentary.  I’ve peppered the interview with some reactions recorded after the fact.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/timbyrnealmostlive

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/timbyrnealmost 

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