S03E30 – How to do all your business from your dock

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If your software doesn’t make my life easier than I don’t want it.  There are a ton of technology solutions out there.  But more often than not they are a HUGE pain in the ass!  Especially if you have multiple systems that don’t work with one another.  My goal is to do all my work from my phone.  On my dock preferably.  If your software doesn’t have a smartphone app I don’t want anything to do with it.

I talked with a lot of people with fancy new tech solutions at the REMI Show.  Very few impressed me.  That’s why I liked Jill Kegler so much.  Jill works with DoubleA Solutions.  They have a bunch of products under their umbrella – including sales software, phone auto-dialer and a VoIP software.   All of them are intended to make you work work less while producing more.

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