S02E27 – What the hell is a building consultant anyways?

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Of all the job titles Tim has heard thrown around over the years “building consultant” is definitely the most confusing. Stephen Emberley from Tri-Tech Pinnacle Group is here to explain. Together, Tim and Steve talk about why so many job sites are torn apart by internal bickering.  They also debate the importance of firing clients who aren’t working out.

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S02E25 – Why being an asshole is bad for business

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Tim is joined this week by Doug Macy from Trust 1 Security. The pair talk about how to create a unique identity in a crowded marketplace. Tim has tried to center his business around his own personality. Making yourself the brand is a great way to generate some name recognition but it has it’s downsides too. Doug thinks Tim has succeeded because he is fiercely loyal and refuses to abandon his friends when time’s get tough. “If someone falls and your don’t offer a hand, you’re just an asshole.” Tim says.

SOCIAL: @TimByrneAlmostLive
WEBSITE: TimByrneAlmostLive.com

S02E24 – Communication Breakdown: Why nobody cares about your email

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In the age of digital connection there we’re forgetting some basic facts. Your closest relationships are with the people that you actually meet in person. Next come the people that are willing to answer your phone call. Way down at the bottom are people you only interact with via email or social media. Tim is joined by Byrne On Demand sales rep Doug Bellar to discuss how to really connect with your clients.

S02E23 – What Keeps Every Business Owner Up at Night with Sanj Patel

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Striking out on your own can be terrifying. It’s way easier just to stick with an employer and collect a cheque. Today on the show Tim talks with Sanj Patel, the owner of Ignis Building Solutions in Toronto. Tim and Sanj are on opposite ends of the entrepreneurial spectrum. Sanj is just starting out while Tim has been in the game for decades. Their conversation is going to be super-interesting to anyone thinking about starting their own business.