Fighting CONVID-19 w/ Tim Byrne Almost Live CLOSING SHOW @ RFMA2020

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Tim Byrne Almost Live at RFMA 2020 in Denver, Colorado with friends Anthony Vinzi from PROMAIN and Christopher Blount from FILTREX as they suit up in HAZMAT SUITS to fight off the ever so terrifying CORONAVIRUS aka CONVID-19.





S03E21 – Fake Savings, Fake News

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Work order management is a scam. There I said it. 3rd party work order management software has become standard in the construction and property management industries. I think it’s done nothing but cost companies money and slowed down the entire process. I’m joined this week by Ron Rau from Phoenix Energy technologies and Chris Blount from Filtrex. Together we discuss how to fix this broken system.

S03E18 – If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it

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Chris Blount is one of the best people Tim has ever met.  He loves the big guy.  Chris owns a company called Filtrex Service Group, an HVAC company based out of Oklahoma.  The company is as the cutting edge of using software to better manage building heating and cooling.  Chris is incredibly excited about what they’ve developed.  But it took a long time and a huge investment to get there.  Chris tells Tim about what he’s learned about integrating new technology into a very old industry.  And he shares his personal story about how becoming a better man led him to becoming a better businessman.

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