Marketing secrets that will unleash your business | Season 4 Episode 14

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Your company is your baby, it’s your child.  When you first start out you stress out about every little thing.  But what often gets missed is advertising and marketing. A lot of people will come to a big trade show like PM Expo and expect to make a ton of sales.  That’s a mistake. Trade shows are not about selling. They are about brand awareness. Full stop. Can you connect with another human in 10 seconds and make sure that they remember you?  That’s easier said than done.

Today on the show I’m joined once again by Anthony Vinzi owner of Promain Exterior Maintenance.  We break down the easy ways to make an impact for your company.




How to avoid trade show disaster with Anthony Vinzi | Season 4 Episode 13

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I’ve been to more trade shows than most.  Lot’s more. Over the last 3 decades I have shaken a lot of hands at these things.  Over the next few weeks I’m going to be sharing a bunch of episodes we recently recorded at PM Expo and The Buildings Show.  We talked with a lot of impressive people and I’m really excited for you to see what we produced.  

We are going to kick things off with a conversation with my old friend Anthony Vinzi, AKA paint chips.  Anthony has been a guest on the podcast more than just about anyone else.  Today we break down everything that is good and bad about trade shows. Many people spend a ton of dough on these things without understanding what they are doing there.  Believe me I’ve had to learn this the hard way!